Multilingual Learners

Caledonia Central Supervisory Union (Barnet, Danville, Cabot, Peacham, Twinfield Union, Walden, and Waterford Schools) is committed to supporting the academic and social needs of all English Learners (EL) attending our schools and ensuring that EL students can participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs. An EL student is a student with a home language other than English and who has been identified as needing English language support based on results from an English language assessment approved by the state of Vermont. Historically the terms used to describe the EL students have included, Multilingual Language Learner (MLL), English as a Second Language (ESL), Limited English Proficiency (LEP), English Language Learner (ELL), and English Language Program (ELP). The CCSU English Language Education (ELE) Program includes students who fall into all of these categories.

To find out more about CCSU's English Language Education (ELE) Program and Lau Plan, please see this document.